I am Aquif Zubair

Web Developer

About me

I am a Bachelor of Engineering graduate in computer science from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology. I have done Diploma in Electronics Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University.

I have completed a full stack web development course from Udemy.com (link of certificate).In which, I got to learn HTML, CSS3, JavaScript. I have recently done fifteen days internship on JavaScript and earned JavaScript Data Structure and Algorithm Certificate from Freecodecamp (link of certificate). As a final year degree project, I made a Resume Classifier web app. This web app is used to classify the resume according to your need from bundle of resumes. I have done forty days training on Python at Naresh I Technology, Hyedrabad. In this training i learned basic concept of Python and OOPS.

Checkout my resume below



Resume Classifier

May 2019

Online Food ordering System

Novemeber 2018

Background Generator

Aug 2018


June - July 2018

Python Trainee - Naresh I Technology

Forty days training on Python as summer internship in Naresh I Technology, Hyedrabad. In this training, I learned intermediate level concepts of Python and Object Oreinted Programming.

September 2019

JavaScript Trainee - Propel School

Fifteen days intense training on JavaScript. In which I learned about JavaScript and its data structures and algorithms. I earned a certificate of JavaScript data structure and algorithm from Freecodecamp, and gained 500 points in HackerRank problem solving section.



BE in Computer Science

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology


Diploma in Electronics Engineering

Aligarh Muslim University


High School

G A Inter High School


English Intermediate

Hindi Fluent

Urdu Fluent

Contact Me

Mail id

Primary Mail id :- aquifzubair98@gmail.com
Secondry Mail id :- aaquifzubair@gmail.com

Mobile Number

Primary :- +91-9041899921
Secondry :- +91-8264257694